Northwind Database (Document! X Sample)
Production.Product Table
AdventureWorks Database > Production Schema : Production.Product Table
Products sold or used in the manfacturing of sold products.
Creation Date27/10/2017 14:33
Text File Group
System Object
Published for Replication
Data Space Used104.00 KB
Index Space Used128.00 KB
 Column NameDescriptionDatatypeLengthAllow NullsDefaultFormula
Primary Key Primary key for Product records.Integer4   
 Name of the product.dbo.Name50   
 Unique product identification number.VarWChar25   
 0 = Product is purchased, 1 = Product is manufactured in-house.dbo.Flag1 
 0 = Product is not a salable item. 1 = Product is salable.dbo.Flag1 
 Product color.VarWChar15  
 Minimum inventory quantity. SmallInt2   
 Inventory level that triggers a purchase order or work order. SmallInt2   
 Standard cost of the product.Currency8   
 Selling price.Currency8   
 Product size.VarWChar5  
 Unit of measure for Size column.WChar3  
 Unit of measure for Weight column.WChar3  
 Product weight.Numeric9 (8,2)  
 Number of days required to manufacture the product.Integer4   
 R = Road, M = Mountain, T = Touring, S = StandardWChar2  
 H = High, M = Medium, L = LowWChar2  
 W = Womens, M = Mens, U = UniversalWChar2  
 Product is a member of this product subcategory. Foreign key to ProductSubCategory.ProductSubCategoryID. Integer4  
 Product is a member of this product model. Foreign key to ProductModel.ProductModelID.Integer4  
 Date the product was available for sale.DBTimeStamp4   
 Date the product was no longer available for sale.DBTimeStamp4  
 Date the product was discontinued.DBTimeStamp4  
 ROWGUIDCOL number uniquely identifying the record. Used to support a merge replication sample.GUID16 
 Date and time the record was last updated.DBTimeStamp4 
Unique nonclustered index. 
Unique nonclustered index. 
Unique nonclustered index. Used to support replication samples. 
Primary key (clustered) constraint
Check Constraints
Check constraint [Class]='h' OR [Class]='m' OR [Class]='l' OR [Class]='H' OR [Class]='M' OR [Class]='L' OR [Class] IS NULL
(upper([Class])='H' OR upper([Class])='M' OR upper([Class])='L' OR [Class] IS NULL)
Check constraint [DaysToManufacture] >= (0)
Check constraint [ListPrice] >= (0.00)
Check constraint [ProductLine]='r' OR [ProductLine]='m' OR [ProductLine]='t' OR [ProductLine]='s' OR [ProductLine]='R' OR [ProductLine]='M' OR [ProductLine]='T' OR [ProductLine]='S' OR [ProductLine] IS NULL
(upper([ProductLine])='R' OR upper([ProductLine])='M' OR upper([ProductLine])='T' OR upper([ProductLine])='S' OR [ProductLine] IS NULL)
Check constraint [ReorderPoint] > (0)
Check constraint [SafetyStockLevel] > (0)
Check constraint [SellEndDate] >= [SellStartDate] OR [SellEndDate] IS NULL
([SellEndDate]>=[SellStartDate] OR [SellEndDate] IS NULL)
Check constraint [SafetyStockLevel] > (0)
Check constraint [Style]='u' OR [Style]='m' OR [Style]='w' OR [Style]='U' OR [Style]='M' OR [Style]='W' OR [Style] IS NULL
(upper([Style])='U' OR upper([Style])='M' OR upper([Style])='W' OR [Style] IS NULL)
Check constraint [Weight] > (0.00)
Foreign key constraint referencing Product.ComponentID.
Foreign key constraint referencing Product.ProductAssemblyID.
Foreign key constraint referencing ProductModel.ProductModelID.
Foreign key constraint referencing ProductSubcategory.ProductSubcategoryID.
Foreign key constraint referencing UnitMeasure.UnitMeasureCode.
Foreign key constraint referencing UnitMeasure.UnitMeasureCode.
Foreign key constraint referencing Product.ProductID.
Foreign key constraint referencing Product.ProductID.
Foreign key constraint referencing Product.ProductID.
Foreign key constraint referencing Product.ProductID.
Foreign key constraint referencing Product.ProductID.
Foreign key constraint referencing Product.ProductID.
Foreign key constraint referencing Product.ProductID.
Foreign key constraint referencing Product.ProductID.
Foreign key constraint referencing Product.ProductID.
Foreign key constraint referencing Product.ProductID.
Foreign key constraint referencing Product.ProductID.
Foreign key constraint referencing Product.ProductID.
Objects that depend on Production.Product
 Database ObjectObject TypeDescriptionDep Level
Production.BillOfMaterials tableProduction.BillOfMaterialsTableItems required to make bicycles and bicycle subassemblies. It identifies the heirarchical relationship between a parent product and its components.1
iduSalesOrderDetail triggeriduSalesOrderDetailTriggerAFTER INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE trigger that inserts a row in the TransactionHistory table, updates ModifiedDate in SalesOrderDetail and updates the SalesOrderHeader.SubTotal column.3
iPurchaseOrderDetail triggeriPurchaseOrderDetailTriggerAFTER INSERT trigger that inserts a row in the TransactionHistory table and updates the PurchaseOrderHeader.SubTotal column.2
iWorkOrder triggeriWorkOrderTriggerAFTER INSERT trigger that inserts a row in the TransactionHistory table.2
Production.ProductCostHistory tableProduction.ProductCostHistoryTableChanges in the cost of a product over time.1
Production.ProductDocument tableProduction.ProductDocumentTableCross-reference table mapping products to related product documents.1
Production.ProductInventory tableProduction.ProductInventoryTableProduct inventory information.1
Production.ProductListPriceHistory tableProduction.ProductListPriceHistoryTableChanges in the list price of a product over time.1
Production.ProductProductPhoto tableProduction.ProductProductPhotoTableCross-reference table mapping products and product photos.1
Production.ProductReview tableProduction.ProductReviewTableCustomer reviews of products they have purchased.1
Purchasing.ProductVendor tablePurchasing.ProductVendorTable

Vendors are added to the table before any POs are processed.

Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail tablePurchasing.PurchaseOrderDetailTableIndividual products associated with a specific purchase order. See PurchaseOrderHeader.1
Sales.SalesOrderDetail tableSales.SalesOrderDetailTableIndividual products associated with a specific sales order. See SalesOrderHeader.2
Sales.ShoppingCartItem tableSales.ShoppingCartItemTableContains online customer orders until the order is submitted or cancelled.1
Sales.SpecialOfferProduct tableSales.SpecialOfferProductTableCross-reference table mapping products to special offer discounts.1
Production.TransactionHistory tableProduction.TransactionHistoryTableRecord of each purchase order, sales order, or work order transaction year to date.1
dbo.ufnGetProductDealerPrice functiondbo.ufnGetProductDealerPriceUser Defined FunctionScalar function returning the dealer price for a given product on a particular order date.1
dbo.ufnGetProductListPrice functiondbo.ufnGetProductListPriceUser Defined FunctionScalar function returning the list price for a given product on a particular order date.1
dbo.ufnGetProductStandardCost functiondbo.ufnGetProductStandardCostUser Defined FunctionScalar function returning the standard cost for a given product on a particular order date.1
dbo.ufnGetStock functiondbo.ufnGetStockUser Defined FunctionScalar function returning the quantity of inventory in LocationID 6 (Miscellaneous Storage)for a specified ProductID.2
uPurchaseOrderDetail triggeruPurchaseOrderDetailTriggerAFTER UPDATE trigger that inserts a row in the TransactionHistory table, updates ModifiedDate in PurchaseOrderDetail and updates the PurchaseOrderHeader.SubTotal column.2
dbo.uspGetBillOfMaterials proceduredbo.uspGetBillOfMaterialsStored ProcedureStored procedure using a recursive query to return a multi-level bill of material for the specified ProductID.1
dbo.uspGetWhereUsedProductID proceduredbo.uspGetWhereUsedProductIDStored ProcedureStored procedure using a recursive query to return all components or assemblies that directly or indirectly use the specified ProductID.1
uWorkOrder triggeruWorkOrderTriggerAFTER UPDATE trigger that inserts a row in the TransactionHistory table, updates ModifiedDate in the WorkOrder table.2
Production.vProductAndDescription viewProduction.vProductAndDescriptionViewProduct names and descriptions. Product descriptions are provided in multiple languages.1
Production.WorkOrder tableProduction.WorkOrderTableManufacturing work orders.1
Production.WorkOrderRouting tableProduction.WorkOrderRoutingTableWork order details.2
Objects that Production.Product depends on
 Database ObjectObject TypeDescriptionDep Level
dbo.Flag datatypedbo.FlagUser Defined Data Type 1
dbo.Name datatypedbo.NameUser Defined Data Type 1
Production.ProductCategory tableProduction.ProductCategoryTableHigh-level product categorization.2
Production.ProductModel tableProduction.ProductModelTableProduct model classification.1
Production.ProductSubcategory tableProduction.ProductSubcategoryTableProduct subcategories. See ProductCategory table.1
Production.UnitMeasure tableProduction.UnitMeasureTableUnit of measure lookup table.1
CREATE TABLE [Production].[Product](
    [ProductID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [Name] [dbo].[Name] NOT NULL,
    [ProductNumber] [nvarchar](25) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,
    [MakeFlag] [dbo].[Flag] NOT NULL,
    [FinishedGoodsFlag] [dbo].[Flag] NOT NULL,
    [Color] [nvarchar](15) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
    [SafetyStockLevel] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [ReorderPoint] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [StandardCost] [money] NOT NULL,
    [ListPrice] [money] NOT NULL,
    [Size] [nvarchar](5) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
    [SizeUnitMeasureCode] [nchar](3) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
    [WeightUnitMeasureCode] [nchar](3) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
    [Weight] [decimal](8, 2) NULL,
    [DaysToManufacture] [int] NOT NULL,
    [ProductLine] [nchar](2) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
    [Class] [nchar](2) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
    [Style] [nchar](2) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
    [ProductSubcategoryID] [int] NULL,
    [ProductModelID] [int] NULL,
    [SellStartDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,
    [SellEndDate] [datetime] NULL,
    [DiscontinuedDate] [datetime] NULL,
    [rowguid] [uniqueidentifier] ROWGUIDCOL  NOT NULL,
    [ModifiedDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,
    [ProductID] ASC

ALTER TABLE [Production].[Product] ADD  CONSTRAINT [DF_Product_MakeFlag]  DEFAULT ((1)) FOR [MakeFlag]
ALTER TABLE [Production].[Product] ADD  CONSTRAINT [DF_Product_FinishedGoodsFlag]  DEFAULT ((1)) FOR [FinishedGoodsFlag]
ALTER TABLE [Production].[Product] ADD  CONSTRAINT [DF_Product_rowguid]  DEFAULT (newid()) FOR [rowguid]
ALTER TABLE [Production].[Product] ADD  CONSTRAINT [DF_Product_ModifiedDate]  DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR [ModifiedDate]
ALTER TABLE [Production].[Product]  WITH CHECK ADD  CONSTRAINT [FK_Product_ProductModel_ProductModelID] FOREIGN KEY([ProductModelID])
REFERENCES [Production].[ProductModel] ([ProductModelID])
ALTER TABLE [Production].[Product] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_Product_ProductModel_ProductModelID]
ALTER TABLE [Production].[Product]  WITH CHECK ADD  CONSTRAINT [FK_Product_ProductSubcategory_ProductSubcategoryID] FOREIGN KEY([ProductSubcategoryID])
REFERENCES [Production].[ProductSubcategory] ([ProductSubcategoryID])
ALTER TABLE [Production].[Product] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_Product_ProductSubcategory_ProductSubcategoryID]
ALTER TABLE [Production].[Product]  WITH CHECK ADD  CONSTRAINT [FK_Product_UnitMeasure_SizeUnitMeasureCode] FOREIGN KEY([SizeUnitMeasureCode])
REFERENCES [Production].[UnitMeasure] ([UnitMeasureCode])
ALTER TABLE [Production].[Product] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_Product_UnitMeasure_SizeUnitMeasureCode]
ALTER TABLE [Production].[Product]  WITH CHECK ADD  CONSTRAINT [FK_Product_UnitMeasure_WeightUnitMeasureCode] FOREIGN KEY([WeightUnitMeasureCode])
REFERENCES [Production].[UnitMeasure] ([UnitMeasureCode])
ALTER TABLE [Production].[Product] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_Product_UnitMeasure_WeightUnitMeasureCode]
ALTER TABLE [Production].[Product]  WITH CHECK ADD  CONSTRAINT [CK_Product_Class] CHECK  ((upper([Class])='H' OR upper([Class])='M' OR upper([Class])='L' OR [Class] IS NULL))
ALTER TABLE [Production].[Product] CHECK CONSTRAINT [CK_Product_Class]
ALTER TABLE [Production].[Product]  WITH CHECK ADD  CONSTRAINT [CK_Product_DaysToManufacture] CHECK  (([DaysToManufacture]>=(0)))
ALTER TABLE [Production].[Product] CHECK CONSTRAINT [CK_Product_DaysToManufacture]
ALTER TABLE [Production].[Product]  WITH CHECK ADD  CONSTRAINT [CK_Product_ListPrice] CHECK  (([ListPrice]>=(0.00)))
ALTER TABLE [Production].[Product] CHECK CONSTRAINT [CK_Product_ListPrice]
ALTER TABLE [Production].[Product]  WITH CHECK ADD  CONSTRAINT [CK_Product_ProductLine] CHECK  ((upper([ProductLine])='R' OR upper([ProductLine])='M' OR upper([ProductLine])='T' OR upper([ProductLine])='S' OR [ProductLine] IS NULL))
ALTER TABLE [Production].[Product] CHECK CONSTRAINT [CK_Product_ProductLine]
ALTER TABLE [Production].[Product]  WITH CHECK ADD  CONSTRAINT [CK_Product_ReorderPoint] CHECK  (([ReorderPoint]>(0)))
ALTER TABLE [Production].[Product] CHECK CONSTRAINT [CK_Product_ReorderPoint]
ALTER TABLE [Production].[Product]  WITH CHECK ADD  CONSTRAINT [CK_Product_SafetyStockLevel] CHECK  (([SafetyStockLevel]>(0)))
ALTER TABLE [Production].[Product] CHECK CONSTRAINT [CK_Product_SafetyStockLevel]
ALTER TABLE [Production].[Product]  WITH CHECK ADD  CONSTRAINT [CK_Product_SellEndDate] CHECK  (([SellEndDate]>=[SellStartDate] OR [SellEndDate] IS NULL))
ALTER TABLE [Production].[Product] CHECK CONSTRAINT [CK_Product_SellEndDate]
ALTER TABLE [Production].[Product]  WITH CHECK ADD  CONSTRAINT [CK_Product_StandardCost] CHECK  (([StandardCost]>=(0.00)))
ALTER TABLE [Production].[Product] CHECK CONSTRAINT [CK_Product_StandardCost]
ALTER TABLE [Production].[Product]  WITH CHECK ADD  CONSTRAINT [CK_Product_Style] CHECK  ((upper([Style])='U' OR upper([Style])='M' OR upper([Style])='W' OR [Style] IS NULL))
ALTER TABLE [Production].[Product] CHECK CONSTRAINT [CK_Product_Style]
ALTER TABLE [Production].[Product]  WITH CHECK ADD  CONSTRAINT [CK_Product_Weight] CHECK  (([Weight]>(0.00)))
ALTER TABLE [Production].[Product] CHECK CONSTRAINT [CK_Product_Weight]
See Also

Related Objects

Production Schema
AdventureWorks Database