File Group | PRIMARY |
Space Used | 1,728.00 KB |
Fill Factor | 0 |
Do not Recompute Statistics |  |
Full Text Key |  |
Clustered Index |  |
Primary Key Index |  |
Unique Index |  |
Pad Index |  |
| Column | Description | Sort Order |
| AddressLine1 | First street address line. | Ascending |
| AddressLine2 | Second street address line. | Ascending |
| City | Name of the city. | Ascending |
| StateProvinceID | Unique identification number for the state or province. Foreign key to StateProvince table. | Ascending |
| PostalCode | Postal code for the street address. | Ascending |
Index Statistics
Average key length | 70.63 |
Density | 0.70 |
Rows in the Table | 19614 |
Rows Sampled | 19614 |
Distribution Steps | 192 |
Updated | Jan 8 2010 8:41AM |
See Also