Contains objects related to customers, sales orders, and sales territories.
Table | Description |
Sales.CountryRegionCurrency | Cross-reference table mapping ISO currency codes to a country or region. |
Sales.CreditCard | Customer credit card information. |
Sales.Currency | Lookup table containing standard ISO currencies. |
Sales.CurrencyRate | Currency exchange rates. |
Sales.Customer | Current customer information. Also see the Person and Store tables. |
Sales.PersonCreditCard | Cross-reference table mapping people to their credit card information in the CreditCard table. |
Sales.SalesOrderDetail | Individual products associated with a specific sales order. See SalesOrderHeader. |
Sales.SalesOrderHeader | General sales order information. |
Sales.SalesOrderHeaderSalesReason | Cross-reference table mapping sales orders to sales reason codes. |
Sales.SalesPerson | Sales representative current information. |
Sales.SalesPersonQuotaHistory | Sales performance tracking. |
Sales.SalesReason | Lookup table of customer purchase reasons. |
Sales.SalesTaxRate | Tax rate lookup table. |
Sales.SalesTerritory | Sales territory lookup table. |
Sales.SalesTerritoryHistory | Sales representative transfers to other sales territories. |
Sales.ShoppingCartItem | Contains online customer orders until the order is submitted or cancelled. |
Sales.SpecialOffer | Sale discounts lookup table. |
Sales.SpecialOfferProduct | Cross-reference table mapping products to special offer discounts. |
Sales.Store | Customers (resellers) of Adventure Works products. |
View | Description |
Sales.vIndividualCustomer | Individual customers (names and addresses) that purchase Adventure Works Cycles products online. |
Sales.vPersonDemographics | Displays the content from each element in the xml column Demographics for each customer in the Person.Person table. |
Sales.vSalesPerson | Sales representiatives (names and addresses) and their sales-related information. |
Sales.vSalesPersonSalesByFiscalYears | Uses PIVOT to return aggregated sales information for each sales representative. |
Sales.vStoreWithAddresses | Stores (including store addresses) that sell Adventure Works Cycles products to consumers. |
Sales.vStoreWithContacts | Stores (including store contacts) that sell Adventure Works Cycles products to consumers. |
Sales.vStoreWithDemographics | Stores (including demographics) that sell Adventure Works Cycles products to consumers. |