There are several types of content that you can author using HelpStudio:
Authoring Conceptual Topics
If you would like to create free format Topics in addition to those generated by HelpStudio automatically, you can do so using the Topic Editor. The Topic Editor allows you to manually author free format content such as tutorials, getting started guides and task focused help.
The Topic Fundamentals topic covers the basics of working with Topics and using the Topic Editor.
Authoring Glossary Content
HelpStudio includes a specific tool for authoring Glossary Content.
Terms you define in the Glossary Editor are output to a structured Glossary topic in the generated output and the terms you define can be referenced in your content by surrounding them with $ $ symbols - e.g. $ $MyGlossaryTerm$ $. Glossary references in your content are replaced in the generated output by popup definitions for the referenced term. Example: Build Flag
You can learn more about authoring Glossary Content in the Glossary Editing topic.