Document! X 2017
Project Fundamentals / Project Tools / Project Verify Links
In This Topic
    Project Verify Links
    In This Topic

    The Project Link Verifier will verify every Hyperlink, Image reference and Topic See Also Link reference in each Topic and Content File within the current project. Verifying project links is an essential step in ensuring that your Help System will be free from errors when deployed.


    Project Verify Links Fundamentals

    Check Project Links

    1. On the Tools Ribbon Tab, click the Project Verify Links button;
    2. The Project Link Check window will open;
    3. If you want to only check links in particular project elements, tick or untick specific items in the Check Links In list;
    4. If your project contains more than one Build Profile, select the Build Profile that you want to check links for;
    5. Click Start Link Check button. The link check will execute and any broken or unknown links will be listed in the results grid.
    Any internet links will be initially marked with a status of Unknown in the results. Click the Check Unknown Links button to verify that those internet links are valid.

    To correct a broken link

    1. Select the broken link on the results grid;
    2. Click the  Edit Link button on the results grid toolbar;
    3. A Project Link Check Item window will be opened allowing you to define the correct link;
    4. Click Build to show the Link Designer and identify the correct target for the link;
    5. Click Replace to replace this one instance of the broken link with the corrected link target -or - click Replace All to replace all instances of this same link target with the corrected link target.
    From the Project Link Check Item window, you can click the  Edit button to open the content containing the broken link for edit.


    To add a missing image or other file to the project

    Images or other files that are referenced or linked to in content but are not included in the project will be identified as broken links by the Project Verify Links tool.

    To add a missing file to the project:

    1. Select the broken link with a status of "Missing from Project" on the results grid;
    2. Click the  Add Missing File toolbar button on the results grid toolbar;
    3. The missing file will be added to the project.
    If many missing files are identified, click Add All Missing Files to quickly add all missing files to the project.


    Navigation Bar

    When you open an item from the results grid (e.g. by double clicking), a Navigation Bar will be opened above the document tab area:

    Example Navigation Bar

    The navigation bar makes it easy to step through the items on the results grid.