Document! X & HelpStudio Bundle 2022.1
Introduction / Keyboard Shortcuts
In This Topic
    Keyboard Shortcuts
    In This Topic


    Key Function
    Ctrl+N Show the "New" Application Menu
    Ctrl+O Show the "Open" Application Menu; defaults to the "Recent" page to open recent Projects / Files
    Ctrl+Alt+O Show the Open File dialog to open a Project / File from a local drive
    Ctrl+S Save Project
    F12 Save Project As
    Ctrl+T Create New Topic


    Key Function
    F11 Full-screen mode (temporarily hide all docked windows and minimize the Ribbon, thereby maximizing the screen real estate)

    Content Authoring

    Key Function
    Ctrl+Z Undo
    Ctrl+C Clipboard Copy
    Ctrl+X Clipboard Cut
    Ctrl+V Clipboard Paste
    Ctrl+Alt+V Clipboard Paste Special
    Ctrl+Shift+V Clipboard Paste Special using the last settings and not showing a dialog
    Ctrl+F Find
    Ctrl+H Replace
    Ctrl+K Insert Hyperlink
    Ctrl+B Apply Bold formatting to the current selection
    Ctrl+I Apply Italic formatting to the current selection
    Ctrl+U Apply Underline formatting to the current selection
    Ctrl+M Increase Indent
    Ctrl+Alt+1 Apply Heading 1 style to the current paragraph
    Ctrl+Alt+2 Apply Heading 2 style to the current paragraph
    Ctrl+Alt+3 Apply Heading 3 style to the current paragraph
    Ctrl+Shift+N Apply Normal style to the current paragraph
    Ctrl+Shift+L Apply Bulleted List style to the current paragraph
    Ctrl+Shift+Z Remove formatting from the current selection
    F7 Spell Check the current Topic
    Ctrl+Shift+F7 Spell Check the whole project
    F5 Build the current project
    Ctrl+Shift+H Project Find and Replace
    Ctrl+Shift+W Close all document windows
    Ctrl+NumPadMinus Create a new paragraph immediately before the selected element
    Ctrl+NumPadPlus Create a new paragraph immediately after the selected element
    Ctrl+Shift+Delete Delete the currently selected element
    Shift+F7 Switch to the next Edit View
    Shift+F6 Switch to the previous Edit View


    Key Function
    Left arrow Move backward one character
    Right arrow Move forwards one character
    Ctrl+Left arrow Move backward one word
    Ctrl+Right arrow Move forward one word
    Home Move to the start of the current line
    End Move to the end of the current line
    Ctrl+Home Move to the start of the document
    Ctrl+End Move to the end of the document
    Ctrl+, Move to the previous item in the Content File Editor
    Ctrl+. Move to the next item in the Content File Editor


    Key Function
    Shift+Left arrow Extend the selection backward one character
    Shift+Right arrow Extend the selection forward one character
    Ctrl+Shift+Left arrow Extend the selection backward one word
    Ctrl+Shift+Right arrow Extend the selection backward one word
    Shift+Home Extend the selection back to the start of the current line
    Shift+End Extend the selection forward to the end of the current line
    Ctrl+Shift+Home Extend the selection to the start of the document
    Ctrl+Shift+End Extend the selection to the end of the document


    Key Function
    Ctrl+Shift+O Note Box
    Ctrl+Shift+C Caution Box
    Ctrl+Shift+T Tip Box
    Ctrl+Shit+D Drop Down Section
    Ctrl+Shift+I Dynamic Image