Document! X and HelpStudio 2019
In This Topic
    FilteredItemList Metadata Element
    In This Topic
    Generates output based on a set of child items (of the Item Type identified by the Namespace parameter). The output generated for each item is formatted using the parsed value of a Scrap named {Scrap}_BODY. The complete output is then prefixed with the parsed value of a Scrap named {Scrap}_HEADER and suffixed with the parsed value of a Scrap named {Scrap}_FOOTER. No output is generated if no child items are found.
    textFilter value, passed to the documentation type providing the items in this list. The values allowed in this parameter are specific to the documentation type.
    itemtypeThe Item Type of child items (e.g. "Method", "Property", "Parameter").
    booleanBy default, a carriage return and line feed are output between individual items in the list. Set this parameter to "true" to prevent this behavior.
    booleanSet to "true" to not append a footer to the output. If true, the {Scrap}_FOOTER scrap does not need to be defined.
    booleanSet to "true" to not prefix a header to the output. If true, the {Scrap}_HEADER scrap does not need to be defined.
    scrapThe prefix for the scrap names used to generate the list. A list with a header and a footer will use 3 scraps; {Scrap}_BODY for the individual items, {Scrap}_HEADER for a prefix (e.g. table header), {Scrap}_FOOTER for a suffix (e.g. table closing tag).