Document! X and HelpStudio 2019
Deployment / Help 2.x Deployment Tools / InnovaHxReg Command Line Arguments
In This Topic
    InnovaHxReg Command Line Arguments
    In This Topic

    Command Line Arguments

    All Command line arguments are all case in-sensitive.

    Switch Description
    /? Outputs usage help to the console window.
    /R Registers the specified object.
    /U Un-registers the specified object.
    /N The object to be registered is a namespace.
    /T The object to be registered is a title.
    /P The object is a help plug-in.
    /F The object is a filter.
    /Q Suppress all output messages except errors.
    /QA Suppress all output messages.


    Parameter Description
    /Namespace: <namespace> Defines the namespace name (Used by all switches)
    /Collection:<collection> Defines the namespace collection (use with /R /N).
    /Description:<description> Defines the namespace description (use with /R /N).
    /ID:<id> Defines the title ID (use with /R /T or /U /T).
    /LangID:<langid> Defines the title language ID (use with /R /T or /U /T).
    /Helpfile:<helpfile> Defines the title help file (use with /R /T)
    /ProductNamespace:<namespace> Specifies the product namespace for the plug-in (use with /R /P and /U /P)
    /ProductHxt:<hxt> Specifies the product HXT for the plug-in (use with /R /P and /U /P)
    /Hxt:<hxt> Specifies the HXT for the plug-in (use with /R /P and /U /P)
    /Hxa:<hxa> Specifies the product HXA for the plug-in (use with /R /P and /U /P)
    /FilterName: <name> Specifies the name of the filter (use with /R /F and /U /F).
    /FilterQuery: <query>

    Specifies the query for the filter (use with /R /F).

    Double-quote characters are not valid for the command line, use single-quotes instead. (eg. Instead of "DocSet"="PSDK" use 'DocSet'='PSDK').


    InnovaHxReg /R /N /Namespace:"MyHelpNamespace" /Description:"namespace description" /Collection:"COL_MyCollection.hxc"   
    InnovaHxReg /U /N /Namespace:MyHelpNamespace   
    InnovaHxReg /R /T /Namespace:"MyHelpNamespace" /ID:"MyHelpFileID.hxs"   
    InnovaHxReg /U /T /Namespace:"MyHelpNamespace" /ID:"MyHelpFileID.hxs"   
    InnovaHxReg /R /P /ProductNamespace:"MS.VSCC" /ProductHxt:"_DEFAULT" /Namespace:"MyHelpNamespace" /Hxt:"_DEFAULT" 
    InnovaHxReg /U /P /ProductNamespace:"MS.VSCC" /ProductHxt:"_DEFAULT" /Namespace:"MyHelpNamespace" /Hxt:"_DEFAULT"   
    InnovaHxReg /R /F /Namespace:"MS.MSDNVS" /FilterName:"Platform SDK" /FilterQuery:"'DocSet'='PSDK'"   
    InnovaHxReg /U /F /Namespace:"MS.MSDNVS" /FilterName:"Platform SDK"     

    Return Codes

    Code Error Description
    0 Success. Operation successful.
    1 Invalid command line. Missing or invalid command line arguments, output text gives more info.
    2 No HXDS. Hxds.dll is missing or unregistered.
    Other HRESULT Returned code from HXDS, more info in output text.